5.7 to 6.5 Navigation issue

About to start debugging my navigation now, one error I get is the following when previewing the upgraded navontree (http://server:9992/Rhythmyx/rxs_Navon_cas/navontree.html?sys_revision=5&nav_theme=ls&sys_siteid=309&sys_authtype=0&sys_contentid=2780&sys_variantid=319&sys_context=0):

ID Message
0 An error occurred generating HTML from XML using the “” style sheet for the request submitted by session id a22243b4099db9da89b0ead793e83a06f0ef119f.
1 An exception occurred while processing the “com.percussion.fastforward.managednav.PSNavTreeLinkExtension” extension: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: id may not be null or empty.

I need to trace and investigate, but any help with this would also be appreciated.

My 5.7 navigation links rendered fine but I also think I need to visit my contexts in the upgraded system (unless the problem is connected to the above), where I get links pointing to URLs such as “href=”//openingtimes/index.aspx"" which should only have one forward slash at the start obviously…

My bad on these items, all sorted…

You might consider telling us what you did wrong, so that others may learn from your mistakes.

I did consider that but thought it would be too embarrassing!

Ok, firstly the null id - I didn’t notice that in the URL I was using to try to track the error came from the view source of the content item xml, and that it had changed ampersnad characters into escaped ampersand characters. So the querystring parameters were effectively not there. Oops.

Secondly, in the publishing tab > sites setup, the Site Address URL had a slash at the end - hence the extra slash at the beginning of each relative url generated by the publish location generator. Again, oops.

We are having the same issue with the double-slashes (//) in all of the href link attributes we’ve published. We are running 6.5.2. I double-checked and there is not a slash at the end of our Site Address.

Any other ideas?

Hi Montet

We had a issue with our navigation after upgrading from 5.6 to 6.5.2.


You will need to contact support for the fix.


Thanks. So far, the patch didn’t help. I’ll post the solution once we find it.

After contacting Tech support, and implementing their suggested expression query, it continued to fail. We ended up deleting our rxs_urlroot variables and replacing them with a space value (" "). This did the trick after a reboot.

In an unrelated problem, we get the same error messages that allana saw when we enter any criteria in a search in Content Explorer. Odd…