Accessing $sys.params of a descendant navon


Looping through the processing of a folder tree which is being used to create an A-Z. I want to get the folder id of the descendant navon, or its landing page, but seem unable to access the sys.params of an item other than the current one.

Can anyone help?

I did this which seems to get what I want:

#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty("nav:url").String)
#set ($startpos = $landing_page.indexOf("sys_folderid="))
#if($startpos != -1)
 #set ($pos = $startpos + 13)
 #set ($endpos = $landing_page.indexOf("&", $startpos))
 #if ($endpos == -1)
  #set ($endpos = $landing_page.length())
 #set ($folderid = $landing_page.substring($pos, $endpos))

Although in the end it was futile because a JCR query returns nothing if you add “and rx_sys_folderid = 1234”, and the standard location scheme generator doesn’t honour the folder location/id picked up in the auto-index query anyway.

So to honour the location of a page that you want to link to in a specific folder you have to use the expanded version of rx.location.generate which I managed to get working (although I have no idea what the filter parameter is for - I set it to “y”…)


The function $rx.location.generate has two signatures, one of which has a filter parameter. This signature is described on p. 426 of the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.

The filter parameter is used to specify the Item Filter used when generating the URL.


Hi, yes, that was where I was looking to try to work out what the filter parameter wanted - however setting it to “y”, “i”, “public”, “Public” or indeed most anything else seems to make no difference to the fact that the URL I’m generating in my raw slot is appearing in preview or published pages correctly anyway.

Regarding this comment from Andrew:

and the standard location scheme generator doesn’t honour the folder location/id picked up in the auto-index query anyway.

That is scheduled to be fixed (bug ID RX-13447) in one of the next patches for 6.5.2, sometime in the next week or so. The tentative patch ID is RX-13420, although that is subject to change.
