Automatically Generated Image Thumbnails

At the risk of asking something that’s sure to have been re-hashed many times:

I’m trying to find out whether Rhythmyx has existing functionality that will automatically resize a copy of an uploaded image to a specified max width and height (preserving the image’s aspect ratio) and save to a second (probably hidden) field.

I’m looking to build an Image content type that contains an automatically generated thumbnail image (one that users don’t have create and upload themselves). I intentd to use this thumbnail in an Image search replacement customization. (We want an image picker instead of a search dialog)

Ideally, I’d want a control that integrated with a Java Exit such that instead of the normal sys_File’s “Preview File” link, the thumbnail was displayed and linked to the full-size preview.

I’ve tried searching this board for thumbnail-related threads and did not find anything directly useful. I’ve started a support ticket with Percussion. Any input and/or help would be appreciated.

– Sam Rushing,

There is a thumbnail generator in the PSO Toolkit. Ask Support to send you the latest copy.

It is a Java Extension that runs when the item is saved. If the image field as updated, a new thumbnail (constrained by max width or max height) is generated and stored in a separate field.

You will have to build 2 binary templates: one for the full size image, and one for the thumbnail.


I’m seeing documentation for a PSOThumbnailGenerator exit… It sounds like this is what you’re referring to. We don’t have this in our installation. Is this something that has to be purchased separately, or is it an optional component that we may have missed?

Anyway, I’ve asked TS for a copy. Thanks for your help.