Content List failure

Content not allowed in prolog

bug number: RX-12902

I noticed another post regarding this error but it had been closed.

I had thought we were the only ones with this problem. I got an email from tech support today saying it was scheduled to be fixed in Q2 2008 which is quite along way off.

Has anyone found a workaround for this? We currently can’t run incremental publishing during working hours incase someone transitions a piece of content while the publish run is happening this causes the whole lost to fail.


We’re having the same issue in 6.5. When you contact Technical Support, you’ll have to request a patch specifically for your version.

We’ve had this error occur in two different scenarios. If both a cron/scheduled publish and a manual publish fail, then it may be your content-type/template. We found a way to fix that problem.

In our current situation, we get the following in our console.log followed by a stack trace

2008-03-05 16:00:13,021 ERROR [PSContentListServlet] Content list failure
org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [com.percussion.cms.objectstore.PSComponentSummary#371]

The problem appears to be sporadic, and only associated with cron/scheduled publishing. Sometimes they succeed; sometimes they fail.

I have an idea that might resolve our latest issue. I’ll be performing some tests later tonight, and if successful, I’ll update this thread.

This can occur when users modify content items or workflow them at the same time an edition is generating a content list that includes the same item.

This has been logged as a bug and will fixed in the next release, the Bug ID is RX-12902.