Cross site image in a slot

I am having problems with a cross site image in a slot. I have outlined below the scenario I’m working with.

2 Sites:
Site: A
Site: B

3 Content Items:
Snippet (with an EditLive body field)

Where the Contents Items are:
The image is in Site A, publish URL
The snippet is in Site B.
The page is in Site B, publish URL http//

Inserting the image into the page (as a Rhythmyx managed inline image) works. The page with image preview correctly in both the Preview and Site Folder Assembly contexts.
Inserting the image into the snippet (as a Rhythmyx managed inline image) works. The snippet with image preview correctly in both the Preview and Site Folder Assembly contexts.
Inserting the snippet (with image) into a slot on the page does not work. The page and snippet (with image) preview correctly in the Preview context, but do not preview correctly in the Site Folder Assembly context.

In the Site Folder Assembly context of the page, the URL of the image (in the snippet (in a slot of the page)) is, when it should be URL

Is there a way to fix this behavior?

Did you ever find a resolution for this (aside from the obvious of copying / creating the image as link to the other site?)

I’ve had this problem and more (dealing with content types and links) and was wondering if you had a solution that you could pass on…
