Custom Button for EditLive

I’m attempting to add a custom button to an EditLive control.
First part of adding the button to the toolbar worked fine, but I’m unable to figure out where to insert the JavaScript.
If I look at the html source of the content editor that has EditLive on it, there is a location dedicated for custom functions (it’s under control functions for inline links., e.g. RxEphoxInlineLink)
/* Start of custom JavaScript functions */

I’m not sure where this is coming from though.

Any help is welcome.

Thank you

The custom javascript is actually put into [RXINSTALL]\rx_resources\ephox\rx_ephox_custom.xml.

This is actually xsl that will get included into the sys_Templates.xsl that generates the control HTML.

There is an example comment in that file.

The example comment does have one thing wrong though. Where it says use the xsl variable $name you should instead use $uniqueName. This is so it will work if the control is used in child tables.

Thanks Erik,
Yes, that worked (I had to restart Rx for the function to apply, which was my problem from beginning).
Editing sys_ceInlineSearch\returnvariant.xls and sys_searchSupport\getQuery.xsl , together with the change to the /rx_resources/stylesheets/assemblers/rx_InlineLinks.xsl enabled me to get the desired output when published…
I guess now I have to figure out a way to do this, so that the upgrade doesn’t wipe it off :slight_smile:
