DB Action binding in database publishing

Apologies for the late reply. I was running three separate content lists. We’re on 6.7 so all the SQL statements get queued up and then run against the target database in the final ‘committing’ phase. It just seemed that the order they were running in wasn’t consistent with the content list ordering within the edition.

I’m now having to run multiple editions but with a post edition task on the first one calling a batch file to start the second edition, and so forth.

6.7 queues DB requests without preserving order?! fail. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the system I have that uses this method is on 5.7. I’ll have to let the team know that updating will break the DB publishing.

[QUOTE=Rushing;16725]6.7 queues DB requests without preserving order?! fail. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the system I have that uses this method is on 5.7. I’ll have to let the team know that updating will break the DB publishing.[/QUOTE]

Here’s a comment that came via Percussion regarding this…

“They [a customer] needed their items to publish in a very particular order (the order of the content lists within the edition) however in 6.7, all those items are placed into a large pool and therefore lose their order entirely, so the edition would fail with data integrity errors.”

Yup, be prepared that you may need to think about things differently in the 6.x world when it comes to ordering of content lists within database publishing editions.