Ephox LiveEdit insert Rhythmyx link problem

When I try to insert Rhythmyx inline link into the EphoxEditLive control, search box that shows up doesn’t show any other content types except those for the FastForwad communities like Corporate Investements. First I don’t want to show those options for the end users and second how can I enable my own content types in that search box. This is not happening when I try to use “regular” search. Thanks for any advice!

Hi Daniel

The content types that appears in an inline link search are the ones that have been added to the sys_inline_link slot. As default this will be all the FF content types. All you have to do is remove these and add your custom built ones.

As you don’t mention which version of Rhythmyx you’re using here are both ways you can find the slot to amend.

Rhythmyx 6.x

Workbench > Assembly Design tab > Slots > sys_inline_link

Rhythmyx 5.x

Content Explorer > System tab > Slots > sys_inline_link

Hope this helps.



Thanks a lot James, that did help!