Ephox not loading - Java error

Hi all -

All of a sudden Ephox will not load in any of our Content Editors. Does not seem to be on the client end - I’ve tried a few machines and all are doing this I’m seeing this error in the Java console:

Starting using applet: com.ephox.editlive.win.EditLiveJava

EditLive! Version:

Java VM Details: Vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. Vendor version=1.4.2_15-b02 Java Version=1.4.2_15

Default charset: Cp1252

Locale: en_US

Browser UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)


at com.ephox.editlive.java2.xml.XMLReader.<init>(XMLReader.java:59)

at com.ephox.editlive.java2.xml.XMLConfig.<init>(XMLConfig.java:46)

at com.ephox.editlive.common.EditorCommandHandler.initWithXML(EditorCommandHandler.java:642)

at com.ephox.editlive.common.EditorCommandHandler.initWithURL(EditorCommandHandler.java:614)

at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet.jbInit(ELJApplet.java:401)

at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet.doInit(ELJApplet.java:376)

at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet$2.run(ELJApplet.java:326)

Failed to load XML file.


at com.ephox.editlive.common.EditorCommandHandler.init(EditorCommandHandler.java:684)

at com.ephox.editlive.common.EditorCommandHandler.initWithXML(EditorCommandHandler.java:647)

at com.ephox.editlive.common.EditorCommandHandler.initWithURL(EditorCommandHandler.java:614)

at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet.jbInit(ELJApplet.java:401)

at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet.doInit(ELJApplet.java:376)

at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet$2.run(ELJApplet.java:326)

Any ideas would be appreciated!


Still poking around…found this in the console.log:

PSTransformErro 5/21/08 8:23 AM: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Error reported by XML parser
PSTransformErro 5/21/08 8:23 AM: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
: The element type “p” must be terminated by the matching end-tag “</p>”.

It may be just that easy but I don’t know where that tag is…how can I find it?


I found it…my colleague had made an edit to the Ephox config file I was not aware of.
