Error Adding a New Community


Rx version: 6.5.2

I’m just trying to create a new community in 6.5.2 but receive the following error when attempting to save the community for the first time:

“The contract was violated for service ‘saveCommunities’. The underlying error was: ids and values must have the same size.”

I’ve tried creating the community using the “new” menu option and also by copying & pasting an existing community but either way, I still get the above error when I try to save the new community.

There is no additional info in the console.log.

Has anyone else come across this error before?

Thanks in advance

There is a patch for this issue, please contact Percussion Technical Support to obtain the latest patch for 6.5.2.

Great stuff! Many thanks for replying. I’ll get on to technical support straight away :slight_smile: