Exception Loading Children.

Hi guys,

I get the following error after having installed a copy of a 5.7 system on my server using a copy of client’s tree and database. The system installed is 5.7.

I have moved any Navon from Quickedit back to public and done nav resets. I have done this both before and after running RXFIX. I have also flushed both the cache and foldercache, and stopped and restarted the server before and after each of these steps.

The pop-up Content Explorer error says:

“Unknown exception loading children: formatid may not be null or empty.”

The system was one on which I had previously done a test upgrade to 6.5.1. I then reverted to the old 5.7 database and Rhythmyx tree and did an upgrade install of 5.7 over the top to replace the Application Server service. Then I transplanted the client 5.7 system over the top and did the fixes listed above. It starts without error in the console log save for this exception.

I’m confused here… is this a 5.7 system that you’ve upgraded or a 6.5 system that you’ve downgraded?

If you copied the tree on to a system that previous had a different version, did you “erase” the existing tree before you did the copy?

As I’m sure you know, upgrades are supported, but downgrades are not.


Heh, both actually.

I upgraded from 5.7 to 6.5 and found some things that needed fixed before actually doing the upgrade for real.

So I removed the 6.5 tree and reverted to the old 5.7 tree. I also restored the old 5.7 database. Because I was missing the Application server service I ran a 5.7 upgrade over the install again. Since then I’ve dropped the tree and database over numerous times and am beginning to think there’s something wrong with what I’ve been supplied, or the 6.5 install does something fundamental to the server that makes going back to 5.7 impossible anyway.

I’ve now dropped an older version of the same UAT database in and it still errors even though that database works fine on another install. So it must be in the tree. I’m now dropping in the tree from the working install to see if that helps.

Just running the Installer again on top of an existing tree can sometimes have other effects besides just adding the App Server service.

Why don’t you try starting the server from the command line?

If that works, it’s safer to run an install to a specific directory (which will install the services), stop the server, replace the tree and database, and restart.


Oh the server starts fine, there are no errrors in the console log. It’s just clicking to expand any of the folders nodes that brings the pop-up error.

I have completely cleared out the tree save for the executables, dropped my copy of their UAT in, dropped in their database, run the server properties editor, changed any incorrect references in any file in the system and it starts fine, but still get the error.

About to try a completely clean install now as a starting point. Will let you know how I get on. If a fresh install has the same error maybe it’s non-Rhythmyx related.

Right, cleared out the database, deleted the entire Rhythmyx tree, and did a standard vanilla 5.7 install with fastforward content. It must be something to do with the server or Java because I still get the error. Content Explorer still pops up the same error message when trying to expand the site folder or folders nodes.

Verified on a different machine - which has a 5.7 vanilla install and then a separate 6.5 vanilla install. The 5.7 worked fine. Installed 6.5 to separate tree. stopped 6.5. Started 5.7 - Exception loading children.

Need to clean server or find out what else needs removing (Java version?).

Do these servers use the same port number ? (e.g. 9992)? If so, you must flush the applet cache when switching between versions.

Open the Java Control Panel and click on the “Delete Files” button. You should not need to remove and reinstall anything. Of course, if you used different ports, you would not need to do this.

Ah HA!!! Thank you.

We are using a fresh install of Rx 6.5.2 in our dev environment and some of our user have the same error in the Content Explorer. When you write

“Open the Java Control Panel and click on the “Delete Files” button”
is this on every local machine ?
We still have a Rx 6.1 environement running (our Prod) will we have to do this each time we switch from one environement to another ?
(they are on 2 separate server)


Yes, it seems every client machine that would have downloaded the control needs to refresh their cache, ie delete the downloaded java applets/files.

This is only an issue if you are using the same IP Address and Port number.

If you have 2 different servers, the Java plugin will cache the two Applets separately.

However, when you replace (or upgrade) a machine at the same IP Address and Port number with a system running a different version, you need to reset the client cache.
