Forcing https instead of http

Hello All,

When using Apache proxy as the front end, did any one of you face problems with changing workflow states of any content items.

When I try to change the state of a content item, I get the following message in the server.log

Info [org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler] Response already committed

Am I missing something here?


[QUOTE=JaySeletz;3326]If your only concern is to force users to login over https to avoid clear text uid/pwd transmission, but are not concerned about encrypting the rest of the communications, the product has built in support for this.

Edit the user-security-conf.xml file found in the rxapp.war\WEB-INF\config\user\security directory. Set forceSecureLogin=“yes” on the root securityConfiguration element. This will automatically redirect any http requests to the login form over https, and then after that form is posted, the user is redirected to the originally requested url (usually just the Content Explorer) over the originally requested protocol.

So if a user requests http://myserver:9992/Rhythmyx, they will be reditected to the login form over https, and then back to the http://myserver:9992/Rhythmyx after authentication so that the login credentials are exchanged encrytped.

Hope this helps,

HI Jay - don’t know if you are still around but I have tried this because <style type=“text/css”>BODY { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 11px } P { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 11px } TD { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 11px }</style> simply logging in using SSL, is all we need to achieve. The only problem is i tried his suggested change to user-security-conf.xml and I can’t see any evidence that it is redirecting to https. [LEFT] [/LEFT]
[LEFT]2 questions[/LEFT]
[LEFT]1. SHould I be seeing http in the address bar when I log in?[/LEFT]
[LEFT][B]2. If so any suggestions what I might be missing/doing wrong? I have commented out all previous configuration changes from server.xml


Hi -

When the login form is loaded in the browser, you should see https in the address bar. Does https work if you explicitly specify it in the url? If not, you need to be sure you have https working - contact tech support if you need assistance. If https is working, but your aren’t seeing evidence of the redirect to https in the address bar, then you should contact tech support for assistance.


Thanks Jay
I couldn’t get Rhythmyx to redirect on its own but by putting ProxyPort=“9443” into the main connector it does move to https and attempts to serve the login screen but then I get ‘data transfer interrupted’ in Firefox 3 before I get to the login and in ie it just times out. (I have changed user-security-conf.xml as suggested too.)

Sorry for double posting but I just noticed in the java console there are numerous lines saying that java is looking for a certificate and can’t find it. Sorry though I lost the traces and had to switch back to non-ssl for editors working on both live and dev servers. So basically Jay it seems that even though perhaps your method should not need certificates, in case it is looking for one. Any ideas?

Hi Jay
Looks like, according to Percussion Support, you do need to buy certificates if you want secure login only but from an external source. So you can ignore my post.