general advice - tables

hi all

we have an area on our site where we publish timetables. These are formatted as tables (varying columns and rows depending on context). Currently the table code, along with any necessary css styles, is manually inserted in the ephox - this is very easy for our users to mess up as they have little or no html knowledge.

does anybody know how tables can be created “on the fly” with users literally having to provide cell content?

any help would be appreciated.


Hi Michelle

Do all these tables have the same number of columns?

You could create a child table in your content editor for the user to fill out each row.


Hi jimbo

no they have different numbers of columns.

I have never used the child table “thing” (sorry to be so technical ;O). is this documented anywhere as I have never heard of it.


Hi Michelle

There’s a section in the implementation guide titled “Creating a Content Type with a Child Field Set” p240


great - thank you - i’ll take a look at that

hi jimbo

which specific implementation guide is it. i have downloaded Implementing_Content_Editors_Version_5_7.pdf and Implementing_the_Business_User_s_Interface_5_7.pdf so far and cannot find it in either of those.


The Rhythmyx Implementation Guide James cited was for a later Version of Rhythmyx (I believe Version 6.5.2 in this case).

For Version 5.7, the document to use is “Implementing Content Editors”, which you already have downloaded. See "“Child Editors” (p. 38).

You might want to go ahead and download the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide for Version 6.5.2, James cited, as the procedure is clearer. Note that the Rhythmyx Workbench was re-implemented in Version 6.0, so the interface will look somewhat different and some of the specific details of the procedure will be different.

thanks rl i will take a look at the later version

hmmm - that document doesn’t seem to be available in the documentation forum - anybody know where i can get it from.

Hi Michelle

Here’s a link to it. It appears at the top of the page.


thank you but that’s the 5.7 version - i was looking for the later version.
