How to enumerate through multiple Landing Pages

To get landing page id I am using following code

#set($landing_page_id = $sys.item.getProperty("nav:landingPage").Node.getProperty("rx:sys_contentid").String)

How can I get all landing pages ids (since it can be more that one)?



To enumerate a multi-value property you do something like this:

#set($values = $sys.item.getProperty("myProperty").getValues()) 
#foreach($value in $values)
   ##process the value here

However, the nav:landingPage property is not a multi-value property.

Why do you want more than one Landing Page per folder ?

We have requirement to show different landing pages depending on the users criteria (user from different states). Since you can add multiple landing pages to navon we thought that you can really use them :). But if that doesn’t work we would just go back and use one landing page per navon. What is the purpose of being able to set multiple landing pages to navon?

