How to read content of the NavTree?

Hi, is it possible to publish a NavTree? We would like to publish the navTree and all navOn children as an XML file or via database publishing.

We have a need for a dynamic site structure where one section could be visible to users in one state but not visible for others. The idea would be to publish XML file or table structure with URLs to pages and what states can see which nodes. We would use application code (ColdFusion) with the published navTree to render the site map and navigation.

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

If you want to publish the NavTree, you can give it a new Template.

Just like any content item, the NavTree can be assembled with a regular Template, and also published (as either an XML file or via DB publishing).

The Navons will be in the Nav Sub Menu slot. If you create an XML template for a Navon that also assembles the Nav Sub Menu slot, you’ll wind up with a single XML that contains the entire tree.
