Incremental Publish


After running a full publish I immediately run and incremental. The contents of the incremental are more than half of my full publish. I’ve noticed that the items that have been republish are all those content items where I’ve used a dispatch template.

Is this the expected behaviour?

The templates that I’m using for these content type only use nav and manual relationship slots and not auto slots.

The system is 6.5.2


Yes, this is expected behaviour for dispatch templates. This is how I understand it: any item of a content type which contains at least one autoindex slot in at least one of its templates will be published EVERY TIME.

Dispatch templates don’t appear to have anything to do with it.

Sinisa is correct. The Incremental filter will republish all content whose Content Type has 1 or more templates registered on the current site which contains a slot whose finder is marked “Must Incrementally Publish”, even if those templates are not publishable.

This flag is defined as part of the Code for the slot content finder. The “Nav” content finder is a “Computed” content finder, meaning that it should NOT require incremental publishing.

Perhaps there are some other templates (that you may not think you are using) that contain “AutoSlots” that are causing this.



Thanks for the info

I’ve reviewed all the templates and found a autoslot assigned by mistakes.

My incremental list now produces the expected results.
