Item Importer Puzzle

I need some help putting together a puzzle. I have an implementation of Rhythmyx that was recently upgraded from 5.7 to 6.5.2. Prior to the upgrade there was a process set in place long before I came on board (and which I never used) that allowed for uploading/importing an xml file into the system to create content items of a certain Content Type. I now no longer have access to the person who used that tool to import that content, and I’m not familiar with how it was done. I need to perform that process now, but do not know where that functionality existed in the 5.7 implementation and if it was carried into the upgraded implementation. I do know that I have an application called “RSS Import Support” and a lib jar file called PSORSSItemImporter.jar. They seem like good candidates for this, but I’m not sure how to utilize them.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

OK, it looks like I’m looking for documentation on the PSO RSS Item Importer functionality. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Good afternoon

We have the same importer (I actually think it was developed for us). The new location on 6.5 for us is: http://server:port/Rhythmyx/user/apps/RSSImportProcessor/processFiles

from here you can upload the xml file. In the root of your application folder should be a config file (ours is rssimport-config.xml), which defnes the RSS channels and the fields to map to the database.

Hope this helps.


Yes, there is both a 5.7 and a 6.5 version of this. It’s different, and if you only have the 5.7 version, I don’t believe it will work after upgrade.

This program was written before Web Services were reliable, and it uses the old style XML applications to save items in the database.


Thanks, Raj. That helps me understand how it is used.

How can I get the 6.5 version of this? We have just upgraded and are now up against a publish deadline and we need this functionality. I have a ticket open with support, but it has taken several days and they still haven’t found any documentation for me.
Thanks for any help.