link drop down to another RX page

Does anyone know how to make a DropDownSingle link through to another RX page?


I don’t understand your question. Can you explain what you are trying to do?


Hi yes, I need to associate each of the items in the dropdown defined in the ce with another rx page. We would like to use the drop-down to make CM easier for the target users.

Hi Nicki

First you have to create an application resource using the sys_Lookup.dtd and test that it returns the correct data.

This dtd needs a value and a label. use the content id as the value and the displaytitle as the label.

Then go into the ce and select the dropdown you want to add the resource to. Select the choices tab, you will then be able to select your resource.


Thanks Jimbo but I can’t seem to crack it. We’re also trying to cater for 3 languages.

We’re on rx5.7, do you know if there is there any documentation that I can refer to?

Hi Nicki

Yes, have a look at the Creating an Internal Lookup Query section in Implementing_Content_Editors_Version_5_7.pdf.


Can Keywords provide the value and the label? How can this be configured?

Hi Nicki

Yes, One of the ways you can populate a dropdownsingle is to use a keyword list although I’m not sure that this is the best approach if you want to display different languages.

Can you explain in more detail what you’re trying to do and how you want the different languages to be displayed?


Keywords can be translated. The Rhythmyx Language Tool can pick up the Keywords that need translation and output them in the tobetranslated.tmx file. Translation can be added to this file for each Keyword and merged with the server’s TMX file.



just to add to Nicki’s email, what we are trying to do is in the ce user selects from a dropdown. Based on the user’s selection, the output in the page should be a link to a specific page.

so if user selects AnOption, the page displays a link to ThisPage.htm. If they selection ThatOption, the page displays a link to ThatPage.htm.

So in the keywords, is the value the url to the relevant page? How do you account for different contentIDs across environments?

To further complicate matters, we have 3 languages - the page for each language is completely separate - there is no link between the pages at all. So do we need extra options in the dropdown, ie AnOptionFR, that links to the French page?



Are ThisPage.htm and ThatPage.htm other Content Items? Or static pages not managed in Rhythmyx?


they are content items managed by Rhythmyx


In that case, I agree with James’ original recommendation to use a lookup application. A Keyword is static; Content Items are dynamic. A lookup application is a better choice for populating a list control with dynamic data.

The criteria you define in your Selector can include a filter on Locale, ensuring that users would only be presented with options for their currently-logged Locale.


Thanks RLJII
As far as I’m aware we don’t have Locale. We literally have 3 folders, GB FR & DE where users enter content in that specific language.

Hi Nicki

Do you have communities specific to a language?


No, there’s no definition there either, each community is responsible for all 3 languages.


You might want to consider implementing formal localization. For details, see Internationalizing and Localizing Rhythmyx.


Can you advise what benefits there would be in doing this? It’s only that the current set up is as recommended to us by Percussion during the JAD session.


The internationalization and localization features in Rhythmyx offer a number of benefits, including localization of the Content Explorer interface, tight associations between Content Items in different languages, and Locale-specific Variants and Templates.

In your particular case, since you want to define the content of a list control based in part of Locale, I offered it as an option for you to consider to facilitate that implementation.

Since I did not participate in the JAD session, I do not know what information the consultant had that led to that recommendation. I am certainly not second-guessing the recommendation. But requirements change over time (as seems to be the case here) and those changes may lead you to reconsider the implementation options available to you.