
hi all

should i be able to change “locale” field in the folder properties. I want to use this to identify my languages but it is greyed out. I have cleared the cache and foldercache but cannot access this.


Hi Michelle

A folder is like any other content item in that the locale is assigned when the item is created based on the current users logged in locale.

I think the only way to change this is by directly updating the Rhythmyx DB.


ah ok - thank you

anybody got any good ideas for identifying language?

on my first site, I do this by referencing the name of the global template. however, on the site i am building now, i only need one global template. i was thinking of putting a dropdown in the ce so user’s can identify the language they are in. however, i would prefer to do this without user intervention.

is there a way to identify the names of folders further up the folder tree from a content item. I basically have 3 top level language folders, GB, FR and DE and need to change certain things in my variants based on which of these folders the content item lives under.


Hi Michelle

Have locales been implemented on the site? You should be able to tell as when you login to Rhythmyx together with the community dropdown you will also have a locale dropdown.


hi jimbo

no they haven’t. we simply have the three language folders.



The sys_lang field on the Content Item specifies the Locale (combination of language and geographic area; using Locale allows us to differentiate among regional variations, such as US and British English and Canadian and Belgian French). When a Content Item is created, it inherits the current logged Locale of the user that creates it.

You can use the value of this field to generate different assembled outputs. The options are described in Internationalizing and Localizing Rhythmyx. (link to 5.71 version of the document)


thanks rj

but our users don’t necessarily have different locales - i assume this is determined by their pc settings - or am i completely missing the point.

I guess the easiest way for me to do this, would be to determine which top level language folder the content lives under - for the navons this is easy because we have different NavTrees per language folder. but I am not sure how to determine the top level parent folder of a content item.



Locales are defined in Rhythmyx independently of any Locales that may be defined on the users machine. When the user logs in to Rhythmyx, they automatically logged in to a Locale. Even if no other Locales are defined on the system the default en-us Locale is still there.

I don’t know of an existing extension that would retrieve the Locale of an Ancestor Folder. A custom extension could be written to retrieve that data, though.


thank you

but rather than retrieve the locale of a folder, is it possible to retrieve the name, ie if i can identify that the top level parent folder of a content item is named DE, then i know i need to include German text in the variants.

i’m just not sure how to navigate the folders using xsl. would be grateful for any help.



does anyone know how to determine the top level parent folder of a content item
