Location Scheme and Extended ASCII codes

I’m trying to create a location scheme for one of our content type and I have to replace all accent characters by the same character without accent (ex: replace “é” by “e”). It should by pretty easy to do but when I enter to code to do so and save, all my accent characters are replace by strange characters.


is replace by


I then tried to use the ASCII characters but JEXL does not seem to interpret the Extended ASCII codes.
It should be an easy doing step for none English customer.
Does anybody have a solution for me ?



This looks like a bug to me. I’ve reproduced it on a vanilla system.

Do you know if it’s going to be fix in a patch soon ?
Should I open a TAR at Tech Support to be inform when the bug is fix ?

For now, I found a workaround. I go directly in the DB and enter the code I want directly with SQL. It is not user friendly but it work for now. :wink:

If you have any ideas on a better solution, I would appreciate.



Yes, you should call support and open a TAR

I don’t know when this will be fixed.


You are experiencing a bug tracked under the ID: RX-12457.


Thank you for the bug tracking number.

I’ll wait for the next release of Rx to correct that.
