MAC/Safari problems

We are using Rx version 5.71 with Ephox The user is using Leopard 10.5.2 with Safari 3.0.4. The Rx content editors just seem to hang while loading in this configuration (we have other very frustrated MAc users as well but I don’t know their exact configs).

Are there any known issues/solutions here?



We had the same problem here at NHM with 5.7 and Macs and it resulted in us telling Mac users to use PC’s as there is not a workaround that we could find. It is something to do with the use of ActiveX in 5.7
There are no issues like this with 6.1 and above, so you might consider upgrading?

Thanks for that - not the answer I wanted but at least I know where we stand with this…

Your version of Rx should support the Mac.
Rx v5.7 used an activeX based control. v5.71 introduced Ephox, which is Java based. One of the reasons for this change was to support the Mac.

One thing we noticed is your browser version. v3 is still in Beta and hasn’t been tested or certified with Rx yet.

Do you have an older version of the browser you can try to see if you have the same problem? Does the problem occur with an editor that doesn’t use the Ephox control?


Thanks very much for that - I have asked the user to try out the things you’ve suggested and will post more once they have done so.


Leopard/Safari combo is becoming our little nightmare. We’ve been getting other problem reports of just general web browsing issues with Leopard/Safari. Safari 3 has problems.

We’ve been recommending to our Leopard users they install Firefox and they seem to be content with that solution.

I got our user to install Firefox 2 and they can now use Rx ok (apart from the usual complaints of performance :smiley: )