Menu Not Showing in Content Explorer


Having a problem with a Menu not showing up in Content Explorer (CE).

I’m creating a very bare, controlled Site to be the base we clone future Sites from…essentially our own FastForward sample, but geared more to our environment and using our own Content Types. The creation has gone along pretty well up until adding a Preview Menu. When I create the Menu and place it in the appropriate Community Visibility area it doesn’t show up in CE. However, when I take an already existing FastForward Menu like Corporate_Preview and copy it directly to the appropriate Community Visibility area it shows up just fine.

I also tried making a copy of the Corporate_Preview Menu, renaming it and updating of the sys_siteid. When I place the newly created Menu into the appropriate Community Visibility area it doesn’t show up in CE.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks much!


You might want to make sure to use the correct naming convention. Preview and ActiveAssembly and Compare Action Menus need to have a specific name.

Notice, Corporate_Preview. So you should be able to rename to anything you want as long as you keep the _Preview portion of it.

Hope that helps.
Nabeel Saad

I assume you are using v6.x.
There is a known bug that exhibits the behavior you describe that will be fixed in 6.5.1. To test if this may be your problem, run the following query:

If this is not empty, then you are probably running into this bug.

Thanks for the replies.

I spoke with Percussion Support and the problem was indeed the bug paulhoward mentioned.

After making the SQL insertion my menu displayed immediately.

Thanks again!

We’re also experiencing this problem of not being able to get a custom menu item to display in the content explorer.

I really need to get this issue resolved for a customer ASAP so would be very grateful if someone could post some more detail about the “SQL insert” fix for this problem.

Many Thanks

(The referenced files can be found in the file attachment.)
Shut down the Rx server.

Copy the following file to the <rxroot>/sys_Cms directory: RemoveCommunityVisContext.xsl

Compare <rxroot>/ObjectStore/sys_psxCms.xml in the zip file to the existing one. You should note 2 or more differences. The differences you need to copy over are those that begin with <InputDataExits>. If only those 2 diffs exist, you can just replace the file (this is the case for a std 6.5 installation.)

Modify PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW view in the db with a new select statement:

select * from RXMENUVISIBILITY where VISIBILITYCONTEXT <> ‘2’ union select a.ACTIONID, ‘2’ VISIBILITYCONTEXT, ltrim(str(C.COMMUNITYID)) VALUE, ‘from acls’ DESCRIPTION from RXMENUACTION a, RXCOMMUNITY C where (select count() from PSX_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_VIEW p where p.OBJECTTYPE = 107 and p.OBJECTID = a.ACTIONID and (C.COMMUNITYID = COMMUNITYID) and p.PERMISSION = 40) = 0 and (select count() from PSX_ACLS ACL where OBJECTTYPE = 107 and OBJECTID = a.ACTIONID) <> 0

Restart the Rx server.

I’ve taken the liberty of refining the instructions that Paul wrote out, and also added an ORACLE compatible version of the PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW.


  1. Shut down the Rhythmyx server.
  2. Create a directory called “sys_Cms” in the root of your Rhythmyx directory {NOTE: Case is Important!}.
  3. Copy the “RemoveCommunityVisContext.xsl” file [found in the file attachment] to the newly created “sys_Cms” directory.
  4. Compare your existing “<RhythmyxRoot>/ObjectStore/sys_psxCms.xml” in the “sys_psxCms.xml” file [found in the file attachment]. You should note 2 or more differences. If only those 2 differences exist, you can just replace the file (this is the case for a standard 6.5 installation.) If other differences exist, just copy over the differences that begin with <InputDataExits>.
  5. Replace your existing PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW view in the db with either the appropriate SQL for your back-end repository. For instance, if you’re running Rhythmyx against Oracle, you should use the “PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW-ORACLE.sql” to replace your PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW. If you’re using MS SQL Server, you should use the “PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW-MSSQL.sql” to replace your PSX_MENUVISIBILITY_VIEW [both files can be found in the file attachment].
  6. Execute the SQL statements found in the “DELETE_FROM.sql” file against the Rhythmyx Schema.
  7. IF POSSIBLE: Restart the physical machine that Rhythmyx is running on. This step is optional but is primarily used as a fail-safe to kill any rogue Convera processes. If you can’t restart the physical machine that Rhythmyx is running on, please make sure that none of the below processes are still running. If so, kill them.
  8. Delete all contents of “<RhythmyxRoot>\sys_search\rware\rx\indexes”.
  9. Delete all contents of “<RhythmyxRoot>\sys_search\rware\rx\filtered_doc” if exists.
  10. Delete all left over “<RhythmyxRoot>.sys_CEHandler%” folders.
  11. Delete all left over “<RhythmyxRoot>\dbg_.sys_CEHandler%.xml” files.
  12. Restart the Rhythmyx server.
    13.Run “rxfix”
    a.Please call Tech Support if you require further instructions on how to run rxfix.
    14.Re-index all your content by executing the following commands: index type status search

NOTE: You can keep executing the “show status search” command to see the progress of the indexing process. In 5.x you can either type directly into the Rhythmyx command prompt window if you have access to it, or you can launch the Rhythmyx Server Administrator. In 6.x you can log into the Rhythmyx Admin Console <http://[RhythmyxHost]:[PORT#]/Rhythmyx/Admin/> click on the console link, or you can launch the Rhythmyx Server Administrator.

Does this patch have an official RX-#### designation?

After performing this fix, our missing menu items did reappear. However, on Rhythmyx start, we get these errors in the server.log

2008-03-02 15:44:31,707 INFO [Search] Search engine is listening on port: 29993
2008-03-02 15:44:31,918 INFO [Convera Search] Problem while creating library ce522 exception: The search engine object ‘Unspecified error code’ was not found.
2008-03-02 15:44:31,918 INFO [Convera Search] Problem while creating library ce522;1 exception: The search engine object ‘Unspecified error code’ was not found.
2008-03-02 15:44:31,918 INFO [PSSearchAdminImpl$1] Asynchronous search engine restart complete.

I did follow all directions including the assurance that Convera was not running any rogue processes, and

rm -rfv Rhythmyx/sys_search/rware/rx/indexes/*
rm -rfv Rhythmyx/.sys_CEHandler*
rm -v Rhythmyx/dbg_.sys_CEHandler*

then re-indexing search.

For the record, I performed the patch yesterday. There are only 410 content items to be indexed (again which was done yesterday). But the server restart was today.

After applying this patch, I needed to go into Workbench and update only the label of an action menu. After doing so, I encountered the error as detailed in the attached PDF. After closing the error, I lost the action menu all together. It no longer even existed in the back-end table RXMENUACTION.

There is a problem in the above instructions. Where it says to create a directory called sys_Cms, that should have stated to create a directory called sys_psxCms. You need to move the file under sys_Cms to sys_psxCms and restart the sys_psxCms application.

This is causing the error shown in the attached pdf. This should not have deleted the menu from your system. I have no idea why that happened.

Regarding the startup error: look in the <rxroot>/sys_search/rware/rx/logs directory and see if any error logs are present. They may provide better information about why that particular content type is failing.

Yes, I copied it to {RhythmyxRoot}/sys_psxCms/ and it cleared up my problem…

I had posted my previous message to seek assurance there aren’t other problems with the directions.

Do you think I can do away with {RhythmyxRoot}/sys_Cms/ since I only created it for the purposes espoused in the directions?

I’ll have a look at that log location you referenced to see what Convera is up to.


Yes, you can safely delete sys_Cms and its contents.