Modifying keywords in 6.5 workbench

We have migrated from 5.6 to 6.5, and i was wondering if there was a way to modify pre-defined keyowrds (from 5.6) in the new workbench. I can see them, but when i try ti click on them nothing happens. I can edit them directly in the db, but would rather not. Do i need to create new keyword queries?



You should be able to open and edit Keywords. I double-checked a 6.5 upgrade and was able to open and edit Keywords.

You might have an object ACL on the keyword that prevents access. Right-click on the Keyword you want to edit, and from the popup, choose Security. The Workbench should display the Object ACL dialog. Look at the access options defined there. If they are disabled, you are logged in using a Role that does not have the correct access to the Keyword to edit it. You can review the entries to find a Role that has Update access.


Thanks, i think that did it!
