Nav Theme

I may be missing something, but I cannot find any information what the “Nav Theme” dropdown is for (it can be found in the interface for editing sites in the Publish tab.) On our systems, the options available in the dropdown are “Enterprise Investments”, “Corporate Investments”, and “None”. So, presumably, if it does have a use, there must be a method to create more options, but I cannot find any documentation on that either.

All I can find in the Rhythmyx 6.5.2 manuals is…

The Nav Theme field is optional. It is used with Managed Navigation and is a theme indicator for stylesheet coding. You will not select a Nav Theme at this time, leave the field empty.

…on page 66 of the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.




The original intent of this field was to allow authors of Nav templates to permit customisations without having to create new templates.

In 5.x, creating Nav Templates was difficult, because the XSL was quite complex (and XSplit was of no use at all). The thinking was that if you could create the same nav templates for all of your sites, and then put some conditionals in the XSL that controlled the branding for each site. That way, you would not need so many Nav templates.

I’m not sure how much value it has for 6.x templates (and whether anybody is still attempting to re-use nav templates across sites with different branding). A more modern way to do this would be to use CSS.

The field is just an extra property on the $nav.root. It’s driven from a Keyword, so you can add new values in the keywords.


Thank you.

Before I go about and use this feature (in a way not intended) i was wondering whether this may/will be deprecated in future releases of the product.

I was planning on using this as a “global” variable selector to insert certain css files (ie if one option is set load one set of files, if not load the default set).

Granted, we could create 3 variables for each site and manage it that way but this would be much easier.