Packaging Content

hi all

i have created a new site with hundreds of pages in my development environment.

I am now at the point where this needs to be deployed to our staging environment. I am trying to package up my development content using MSM but am having major problems.

I don’t want to have to recreate all this content from scratch for staging area and i also want to avoid my users having to again recreate all this from scratch in our live environment.

What is the best way to move content between environments.


Having major problems with MSM seems to be typical. The advice that I’ve received is to archive in very small chunks, even one piece at a time, so you can isolate the problems more easily. It looks like that’s what you’ve been trying, according to your later posts.

Michelle -

MSM is not designed or intended to move content items between environments. The only exception to this is limited to the content that is part of a managed navigation implementation.

There are other methods generally employed to migrate content that vary depending on the situation. Please contact technical support for advice.

Major problems encountered while using MSM should be reported to technical support so they can be addressed.


True, of course. MSM is for templates and infrastructure, not content. Content is stored in your database, and I haven’t tried moving that myself. I guess this is one reason why they warn that live content (large amounts of content) should only be entered into the production environment, not the development environment.