Prevent automatic navon creation

We are currently using the managed nav that came with FastForward. Is there any way to turn of the automatic navon creation whenever someone creates a folder? We would like the navon creation to be manual (ie. the user specifies which folder to create the navon item)

The following thread says that we can turn off this effect and restart the server, but I’m not exactly sure what steps I need to take to turn off this “feature”

In the workbench, go to the “System Design” view.

Open the outline to Relationship Types / System / Folder Content and double click to open the relationship editor.

In the relationship editor, click on the “Effects” tab (in the bottom left of the editor).

Find the Effect named “rxs_NavFolderEffect” and click on the “conditional” column. Click again on the “C” to open the next window.

To disable this effect, add a new “Conditional”. Set the condition to something that can never happen (for example “1 = 2” ) and select “AND” on the previous condition. You have now effectively disabled the effect.

The change will not take effect until you save the relationship editor and then restart the Rhythmyx server.

Let me know if this helps.


Thanks for the clarification of the steps. That did it!

Unfortunately, this solution (by disabling the navfolderEffect) allows people to add more than one navon per folder. It would be nice if the folder effect for automatic navon creation was different than the one that checks for one navon per folder…