Publishing: Authentication failure. Check userid and password specified

I’m working through the Getting Started with Rhythmyx 6.5.2 documents and the Rhythymyx Implementation Guide. I’ve successfully published the Fast Forward Enterprise Investments site, but I get an authentication error when I try to publish the site I based on it (siteID 315). While troubleshooting, I discovered that I now get the same error when trying to publish the Fast Forward sites, even though I don’t think I’ve changed them. I’ve tried user IDs for admin1, the Oracle database user, the Linux user that installed Rhythymyx, and no ID at all (which is how it’s set up under Fast Forward.) I’ve also changed the FTP IP from to nothing to my Rhythmyx production server IP, without success.

This may or may not be related, but admin1 is the only user that can add navigation to my new site 315, though other users can add other content.

From the publishing log:
10:53:40 443ms INFO Begin content item # 1 on page 1 publisherId=“301” publicationId=“338” siteId=“315” editionId=“312” clistId=“329” ctypeId=“307” contentId=“767” action=“publish” com.percussion.publisher.client.PSContentPublisher http-
10:53:40 443ms DEBUG Getting content item from URL : publisherId=“301” publicationId=“338” siteId=“315” editionId=“312” clistId=“329” ctypeId=“307” contentId=“767” action=“publish” com.percussion.publisher.PSUtils http-
10:53:40 456ms ERROR Authentication failure. Check userid and password specified publisherId=“301” publicationId=“338” siteId=“315” editionId=“312” clistId=“329” ctypeId=“307” contentId=“767” action=“publish” com.percussion.publisher.PSUtils http-
10:53:40 457ms ERROR HTTP error for the request URL: Error code: 401

Is rxserver a member of the admin and is rxpublisher a member of the RxPublisher and members roles (for EI the members role is EI_Members role)? You can check that using the server administrator:
Content Explorer->Workflow tab->User Administration
Select the Security tab->Roles tab and expand the roles to see users assigned.

If the above is ok, then check the roles assigned to the Public state of your workflow(s). The RxPublisher role must be assigned to the Public state in order for the publisher to have access to the content items being published. For details, see the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.


Is rxserver a member of the admin and is rxpublisher a member of the RxPublisher and members roles (for EI the members role is EI_Members role)? You can check that using the server administrator:
Content Explorer->Workflow tab->User Administration
Select the Security tab->Roles tab and expand the roles to see users assigned.

If the above is ok, then check the roles assigned to the Public state of your workflow(s). The RxPublisher role must be assigned to the Public state in order for the publisher to have access to the content items being published. For details, see the Rhythmyx 6.5.2 Implementation Guide, page 35.


No, that was all correct. But looking at my Linux console as I attempted to publish, I got the message: “17:26:24,831 INFO [PSLoginMgr] The security provider “BackEndTable/rxmaster” could not authenticate user “rxpublisher”.;”

Then I remembered that I changed the password of rxpublisher, along with the other default users. It seems to work now that I’ve changed it back to the insecure default. Thanks.