Referencing Keyword list in Auto Index Slot

We have migrated our dev server from 5.6 to 6.5, and i am trying to re-create the calendar content type in velocity. I have been able to add a slot to our calendar page with a specific query, but i need to be able to pass the query from the keyword list to the slot, so the calendar page can gather the appropriate conent. Any thoughts?



What you need to do is pass the value of the keyword property to the slot finder. This is described on page 192 of the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide PDF.

If you have a “list” of values, you might need to be a bit more clever than the example. Try getting it to work with a single value first.


Thanks Dave

I added the keyword property as a parameter in the bindings:
$params.velocity_query = $sys.item.getProperty(“velocity_query”).getString()
How do i reference this in the slot? the content finder, do i put :velocity_query for the query value?


Yes, that’s correct. Again, the example in the documentation is pretty complete.


I have been following the documentation, and I can’t get the slot to recognize the query from the keyword list. in the content finder for the sys_AutoSlotContentFinder, i put my binding variable in the query field (query = :velocity_query). when i try an preview the page, i receive an error message saying: Problem assembling output for item: 8-101-43288 with template: InsiderPgCalendarMonth_test exception: expecting “select”, found ‘:velocity_query’ see log for stack trace. I am not sure why the variable is not being translated into the query (i am able to see the correct query value in the debug screen under my binding).


You can’t replace the entire query with a variable, you can only use the variables in the WHERE clause. In addition, the variables are processed as the statement is parsed, so the variable content is always interpreted as data, you can’t have JSR syntax within the variable to build a statement dynamically (it would be interpreted as text.)