Relationshipcontentfinder slot search

I would like to know if it is possible to customize RelationshipContentFinder slot search in such a way that it filters content items for a specific content type based on the values of a specific field of the content type.

The scenario is,

we have a Generic Content Type used to create content items for Products, Practice Areas, Industries and Services. We have some slots where user would be interested only in Products type of contents or Services. Right now, they see all type of contents as they belong to Generic content type.


Who would control when the filter was applied? The user? Or would you envision some configuration on the slot that would control it?

The filter would be controlled at the slot level. If the product slot is applied in the templates, we want to filter products, if industry slot is applied then only industries needs to be displayed to users for selection. Unfortunately, Relationshipcontentfinder slot filters based on content type only and not the fields within the content type. I wish if I could pass a select query to slot for selection purposes.

The answer to your question, user would have no control on the filter. It will be some kind of configuration on the slot.