Remove From Folder a.k.a. Delete - Action Menu

Rhythmyx 6.5.2

Could someone tell me what the Delete - Action Menu configuration looks like out-of-the-box? Specifically, I’m curious about the Usage tab and the Visibility tab.

Basically, I’m not limiting visibility by role, but only Admins can see “Remove from folder” on the menu, so I’m trying to figure out why. Do you need to have admin rights on a folder in order to use the action menu. I’d assumed that would be covered by “Assignment Types,” but that was a no go as well.

So to clarify. Log in as user with Admin role, right click on content item, see “Remove from folder.” Log in as a user without the Admin role, right click on same content item, don’t see “Remove from folder.”

We have mucked about with ours, but I do remember that anyone could do remove from folder without me changing anything.

Our config allows any one to remove from folder and we have assigned all roles (apart from workflow roles) to see this menu item.

Make sure you have the roles you want to be able to see this item in the show box and not the hide. I have been caught out by this when I just scanned something and did not read the headings.

Ok, let’s try this a different way. Here’s our config for the Delete Action Menu.

Usage Tab
Only used in UI contexts of “Folder,” “Site,” and “Site Subfolder” within Content Explorer - Main Display Area and Navigation Pane

Visibility Tab
Assignment Types
Show: Admin, Assignee, and Reader
Checkout Status
Hide: <empty> meaning show to all for the sake of brevity.
Client Contexts
Hide: <empty>
Content Types
Hide: <empty>
Folder Security
Show: Write
Hide: <empty>
Object Types
Hide: <empty>
Hide: <empty>
Hide: <empty>
Hide: <empty>

As an Admin role, I right click on a folder, and I see the action menu. As a user with a role that has Read/Write privileges on the folder (but not Admin role), right click on the folder, no action menu.

The “Assignment Types” filter applies to items within a folder, but not to the sub-folders of a folder. If you have selected a folder, the visibility of the “Remove From Folder” action is based on whether the user has “Write” permission for the parent folder, and “Admin” permission for the selected folder.