Rhythmyx 5.7 - making a local field required in an editor?

I am trying to change one of the fields in my Rhythmyx 5.7 editors to be required.

The field is a local field, and I selected “required” from the “Occur” column dropdown in the editor field list. I saved the editor, and stopped and restarted the application. Now the field is marked with an asterisk when I open up a content item for editing, but the editor validation succeeds whether the field has any value in it or not.

Am I missing something about how to make a field required in 5.7? Do I need to add some additional validation rule by editing the XML directly?


In 5.7, the ‘Required’ checkbox means that it is required when the item is transitioned, not when it is saved.

If you want it to be required on save, you need to add a field validation rule which requires manual editing of the XML.

In 6.x, the behavior changed because of this confusion. We effectively removed the ‘required on transition’ and the Required checkbox now applies to save. Also, the UI allows adding/removing other field validations.


Thanks for the clarification on this.
