Save and Close


We’ve hand a number of clients ask us recently about the save/insert button in that they’d like it to automatically close the content editor window rather than also having to click on the close button.

Is this possible?

How easy would it be to create a third button labelled “Save and Close” or “Insert and Close”?


I’d even support such a button for the next release. In my opinion, the default behavior should be “Save and Close”, since when I save, I usually want to close. If not, it would only take two clicks to open it again. I might be a little biased because of my preferred screen resolution of 800x600 (some of us are aging, you know, though I prefer aging over the alternative), but even at 1024x768, I have to scroll the pop-up window in CX to see the Update and Close buttons. Maybe they belong on the top of the window rather than the bottom.


We’ve hand a number of clients ask us recently about the save/insert button in that they’d like it to automatically close the content editor window rather than also having to click on the close button.

Is this possible?

How easy would it be to create a third button labelled “Save and Close” or “Insert and Close”?


I have submitted this very idea to Let’s hope this is changed in the next release.

In the mean time I have changed the buttons and added my own!