Slot items not displaying

I am in the process of upgrading a system from 5.7 to 6.5-- I have made a copy of my 5.7 environment in order to test the upgrade process. In testing this copy to make sure that it performs as expected, I have found that when entering items into slots, they don’t show up in the Active Assembly Table Editor and they don’t show up in a preview of the item. However, they do show up in the Impact Analysis screen. I cannot see anything related in the console log, but I may need to turn on more verbose logging?
I have already attempted making another copy with the same results.
Anyone have any idea where to start looking on this?



When you look at the items in Impact Analysis, what is the “Relationship Name” (in the dropdown at the top of the screen)?


The relationship is “Active Assembly - Mandatory”

That’s strange. I don’t see any reason why an item in a mandatory relationship would not appear in preview.

The relationships that appear in Impact Analysis are not slot specific, where the preview template is slot specific. Is there any chance that these relationships are in the wrong slot?

If these items don’t show up in the AA Table editor, how did you add them to the slot in the first place?


We had a problem (perhaps similar) where Active Assembly would only display content in a public state (even though you could add any number of items on the slot). The solution for us was that WB, Assembly Design > Item Filters > unpublish the “Associated Authorization Type” field should be blank.

Update: I see that you are using Active Assembly Table Editor, I don’t believe that we had a problem with that, but I can’t say for sure…

It looks like when we copied our database, we failed to update the static references to the database that exist in the views. Updating those seemed to solve the problem.