Slots and communities


Is it possible to hide certain slots from specific communities in Rhythmyx 6.5.2? I’ve tried:
[li]Right-clicking on the slot in Assembly Design, selecting Security, unticking the Read checkbox for AnyCommunity, adding ACL entries for the communties I do want to give access to the slot, and giving only them read runtime access.
[/li][li]Doing likewise for the single allowed content type in the slot.
[/li][li]Doing likewise for the template specified as the only one to use for displaying items in the slot.
[/li][li]Hidding the sites which correspond to the communities we want to hide the slot from in the Sites tab of the template specified as the only one to use for displaying items in the slot.
But none of these affect the slot’s visibility in the Related Content Control (aka Active Assembly Table Editor) when logged in to the Content Explorer in the relevant community.

Is this a bug on our system, or was it a design choice not to allow hiding slots by community?




I’m not sure if community visibility affects the AA Table editor or not.

The AA Table editor was in the system long before there was community visibility of templates (which arrived in version 6.0), so it’s possible that there was a explicit decision made “not to break it”, but I don’t remember.

I will also point out that community visibility filters based on ALL communities that a particular user is a member of, not just the Login community. We’re moving in the direction of making the login community less important, and this is one step that was taken.


Great, as long as it doesn’t become easier to accidentally create content in the wrong community.

We already have this issue if a user has access to several communities. It is a nightmare…

Hi there.

I’ve seen this before and a quick workaround is to rename the community-based slots with a prefix and advise users accordingly.

The Active Assembly Table editor is basically the same as the ‘Edit all’ button in the Content Editor, which our existing 5.7 users are familiar with; in our implementation we have to advise users NOT to use any slots with the prefix ‘nav_’ for obvious reasons and it works OK. But the nav slots never appear in WYSIWYG Active Assembly - it’s always been this way in Rhythmyx, since 4.5 certainly.

Lucky you. Our users don’t follow instructions.