sys_CheckBoxTree - Advanced Tricks?


I was wondering if the applet used to implement check box trees in the Content Editor can be configured to do more than it does by default? Specifically, can it be set up to automatically select all the ancestors of a node when a user clicks on that node’s checkbox. For example, if you have an organisational structure that includes teams within departments within divisions, can a single click by a user on a team also select the department and division of which that team is a part?




The “production” version of the checkboxtree does not have this behaviour.

It does, however, expose an interface (IPSCheckBoxTreeListener) which extends the standard java.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener. You can use this interface to be build a tree with custom behavior.

There are a couple of older versions of the checkboxtree out there, and I believe that at least one of them had this function built in. If the TreeSelectionListener approach won’t work for you, let me know and I’ll keep digging.


We have had this behaviour customised for our checkbox tree contol here at Cardiff University. When a user selects a node all sub nodes are automatically checked, and conversly when a node is unchecked the sub nodes all uncheck. However, we did not write the customisation, Percussion did.