Template update from 5.6 to 6.5.2

We have recently upgraded our development server from 5.6 to 6.5.2. I have made new templates in velocity to match the previous ones in XSL. Has anyone found a way to change the references to the templates that were previously defined in Rhythmyx links in the body of content? The template id’s are hard-coded into the URL, and we don;t want to go through every page and remake the Rhythmyx links to the new template. A suggestion by PSO was to swap the values in the PSX_TEMPLATE table, but since the table is linked to another table, we can’t just swap out the primary key id. i tried swapping the other values of the row, but one column contains data in a ntext field which only displays the first 255 characters when i view it, so i can’t copy the whole cell. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



Try using the Variant Converter Tool. Use of the tool is described in Converting to Version 6.5 Features. See Step 7 in the procedure “Converting Variants”. The procedure begins on p. 20, step 7 is on p. 23.


Did you have success using this converter?
We are trying to do the same here and it would be interesting to hear how things progressed for you.
