textarea control

Hi Michelle

It’s a way of adding snippets to Ephox or eWebeditPro fields using the Inline Variant slot. I have attached a PDF with a screenshot in which may be more meaningful than trying to describe it in words!


thanks cara - but can’t see attachment :smiley:

ah there it is - thanks very much :smiley:

you can get to it here too…

Hi Michelle,

What I am suggesting is that you create another content type, something really simple, e.g. title and editlive. You can then create a snippet template. (You could add your own button to Ephox to allow table additions which points to this snippet template). The user could then add a table in the normal fasion in the EditLive and then insert your snippet template into each cell.

You could also try having a top level snippet template which contains your table and then in each cell have slots.

I have not tried either of these out.

I don’t know if this is the best practice, however, I cannot think of another way to do what you are doing without customising the Ephox editor.

Best Wishes


Just to clarify I mean having a template containing a table which then contains slots. Have no idea if this would work?!