Traffic Gadget Not Working

I needed to get analytical data from my traffic gadget but I am getting an error that says unable to retrieve analytical data. Please use the Google Setup to connect. I remember doing this once we first started using CM1 but i really need this data to do a report.

Hi Mallorie,

In order to use the traffic gadget, you will need to connect to your Google Analytics account using the Google Setup dashboard gadget. You can read more about how to use this gadget here:

Google Analytics Integration

Please note that Google recently changed their API, so that versions of CM1 2.8 or earlier will need to be upgraded (or patched, if you’re on 2.8) in order to use these gadgets.

I have set up my google analytics account and once I try to sign in with it in CM1 its giving me a profiles not found error. I can see my analytics when I log into google but not in CM1

Hi Mallorie,

So the connection goes through successfully when you input the username and password, but no profile is appearing in the Select Google Analytics Profile drop box? As a test, try adding a new website to your Google Analytics profile (through the Admin section of Google Analytics) and then reconnect with your Google Setup gadget to see if the new profile appears.

If that doesn’t work, can you quickly tell me what version and build of CM1 you are running? To do this, select the question mark icon in the upper right of CM1, hit About, and then copy out the full version string, which will look something like this:

Version 2.x Build 2012xxRxx (xx)

I am currently running 2.7.0 version. but i have attached a picture to show you what’s going on

It appears that you need to select the specific Google Analytics profile for each site. I had a similar issue and that’s what I had to do.

Hi Mallorie,

Unfortunately, before you can even get to the step Matt outlined, you will need to upgrade your version of CM1. Google changed their analytics API a few months ago, and we released a patch for CM1 2.8 that updated the Google Setup gadget to ensure that it continued to function as expected (an update that we rolled into all later versions of CM1), but versions of CM1 below 2.8 will no longer be able to connect to Google Analytics. Because you are on CM1 2.7, my recommendation would be to follow the upgrade path of first upgrading to 2.8, and then 2.11 (which has the analytics fix, among other enhancements).

If you would like to upgrade your instance of CM1, please point the server administrators who maintain your CM1 installation to our help site, which houses both the required installer files and upgrade documentation:

Support Portal Downloads
Upgrading CM1