Troubleshoot publishing list creating performance

We are experiencing some publishing performance issues and need some advice as to how to troubleshoot this.

Creating content lists seems to be taking longer than we would expect. For example a full publish list for courses with 1483 items takes over a hour to create list see log extract.

I don’t get any errors on the console.log is there any way to see what is happening when the system is creating the content list? Can we turn on extra logging and if so where?


2008-02-14 03:00:59,229 INFO  [PSPublisherService] Getting content list data took <Stopwatch stopped elapsed 78,734.81 ms> for 1483 items
2008-02-14 03:03:31,144 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 03:03:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 03:13:31,179 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 03:13:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 03:23:31,189 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 03:23:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 03:33:31,199 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 03:33:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 03:43:31,199 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 03:43:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 03:53:31,209 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 03:53:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 04:03:31,292 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 04:03:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 04:13:31,327 INFO  [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Thu Feb 14 04:13:31 GMT 2008...
2008-02-14 04:19:57,746 INFO  [PSContentListServlet] Created content list ctFullsoasCourse publication id 3023
Site id: 305, Delivery: filesystem, Context: 1
1,483 result items took 4,817,261.262 milliseconds

How are you generating the content list in question? Is it a JCR Query?

If so, run the query in the test page, and see if the performance is as bad as you’re experiencing.

BTW, if you haven’t already, you should install one of the patches that contains Rx-13052, which greatly speeds up JCR Query performance.


I should have mentioned we are running 6.1 patched to 12955

The list is created using jcr query

I have tested it using the query debugger Rhythmyx/test/search.jsp and it takes around 2 minutes to return the results. It seems it is the part between Getting content list data and Creating the content list that seems slow to me around 1 hour 30 minutes