Upgrade notification, that is, if you have over 100+ users

I believe they are queued, but what I noticed was the full publish failed when it got to the file that was just edited. Almost like the full publish lines up all files to be published and begins, then you pull that file out of line to edit; whether you republish or leave it as Draft, the full publish gets to that file in its line but has no idea what to do with it because it is not in the same state it was in when the full publish list was compiled.

This is just my speculation and in no way a definitive answer or problem, and was noticed prior to version 4.2, so it may be fixed now and I just haven’t tested that aspect since then. Our full publishes are averaging just over 3 hours now since upgrading to 64 bit, but I’m hesitant to try and find out.

Aaron’s original notification idea is Planned but not yet scheduled.  Initially we will roll this out as a general notification area with a field and API where the system operator can post a formatted message that appears in the header. 

There are allot of great Ideas on this thread.  If you haven’t already, please post those (Image Compression / Publishing notifications / in product messaging / etc)  to new Ideas so we can get some traction with other users! 


@nate - I think you should pay us for giving you ideas :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve given you guys too many great ideas…