$user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath publishing error

I am getting the following publishing error when using the $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath as a binding. The tool returns the folder path in preview but not when publishing

Unexpected exception while assembling one or more items: Problem when evaluating expression “$user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assemblyItem);” for variable “$folderPath”: null

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Can you tell me what build of the PSOToolkit you are using, and how you are generating the Content Lists?

OK the solution here appears to be folder security as rxpublisher needs read write and admin access to the site folders

Hi David that was a temporary solution and the error is occuring again.

The PSO toolkit build is Tue Jan 29 06:02:35 EST 2008 build.number=52

Content list are created using a JEXL query

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:icrcctannouncement,rx:icrcctarticle, rx:icrcctautoindex, rx:icrcctevent,rx:icrccthome,rx:icrcctjobopportunity,rx:icrcctlinksbox,rx:icrcctmap,rx:icrcctnews,rx:icrcctpublication,rx:icrcctstandard,rx:icrcctweblink where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/Intranet%’

OK I was using $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assemblyItem) which worked for preview but not publish. Using $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.item.guid) appears to work all the time.