Validator to remove Microsoft Schtuff

When people cut and paste from MS Word they include things like smart quotes and that strange hyphen. Is there an easy way to add a validator to all my text areas and editlive boxes that will tell the users when they have included this stuff? I could use a regular expression but then if I needed to add a character, I would have to edit EVERY field on EVERY content type (YIKES!).


I believe that the recent versions of Ephox support “paste filters”. I also believe that they have flags in the configuration that clean up extra Word tags.

Is this good enough, or are you looking at Textareas as well?

Ephox says their product includes, “Paste from Microsoft Word: Basic conversion from Microsoft Word, Cleans content to standards compliant XHTML, Extended characters (e.g. smart quotes) conversion to entities”. But out of the box, there doesn’t seem to be a paste option for Edit Live to convert curly quotes: even pasting as Plain Text doesn’t convert them, let alone the Styled HTML or Clean HTML options. On the contrary, they just came out with a plug-in that converts straight quotes to curly quotes.

text areas too.