I don’t get a Widget Builder link in the dropdown navigation…It’s just not there, so no way to access the widget builder page.
According to the Widget Configuration gadget my custom widgets no longer exist! I know I had some on our CM1 dev server because many of the template were using it.
I had to copy back in all my template themes from my 3.3. backup Percussion folder…I could have sworn with an upgrade that my custom themes would remain? This really scares me as I’m not sure what else was not “kept” when upgraded…
We are going to create a support ticket for this issue to look into this in more detail. You should be receiving an email shortly from our support portal.
To tie off the knot here, it was their Dev environment that was being upgraded, and it appeared as though the issues came about due to the way that Dev had been cloned from Prod, leaving the system in a mis-matched state. Our Doc on moving a Percussion CMS environment can be used for cloning Prod to Dev, just be aware that you will need to purchase a separate license key in order to have two environments running: