32- bit or 64-bit? How to know?

How can i find out whether my Rhythmyx install is 32 bit or 64-bit? I have a requirement to move from 32 bit- 64 bit. Can this be done? Any idea on How much of work is involved in getting this done.


The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) determines whether the application is launched in a 64-bit virtual machine. The RhythmyxServer.bin.lax file has a line starting with “lax.nl.current.vm” that points to the desired JRE. Our environment has the following setting:

#   -----------------
#   the VM to use for the next launch


We can use the following command to check if our JRE supports running a 64bit Java virtual machine:

../Rhythmyx/JRE/bin/java -d64 -version

Check out thishelpful article

Thanks Rileyw.That helps!
