32 bit vs. 64 bit

Anyone running 6.5.2 or 6.6 in a 64 bit architecture? I don’t see anything in the documentation on official support for 64 bit, so I’m curious to see what others are doing.

If a Percussionista wants to chime in, that’d be great.

Percussion QA certifies Percussion CM System on 32-bit operating systems, but not on 64-bit operating systems.

Some Percussion Software employees do internally run Percussion CM System on 64-bit operating systems, and some customers have as well, but Percussion Software does not officially support this practice.


Here is how to find out what your system is running on, if running Windows.

BTW, what is the collective noun for percussionistas? An “assembly of percussionistas” perhaps? Or maybe a “bewilder”?

BTW, what is the collective noun for percussionistas? An “assembly of percussionistas” perhaps? Or maybe a “bewilder”?

Ah, collective nouns. Gotta love 'em! Exaltations of larks, murders of crows, crashes of rhinoceros…

Collectively, doesn’t a “rockband of Percussionistas” make sense? :slight_smile:


[quote=Andrew Morrison;6950]
BTW, what is the collective noun for percussionistas? An “assembly of percussionistas” perhaps? Or maybe a “bewilder”?[/quote]

BWilder, present and accounted for.:cool: