5.7 - Can't get default_variantid control to show

So this project is one I inherited, so I didn’t set up any of the content items or anything…

I have a couple of content items that I want the users to be able to select the variant on them, but I can’t see to get the default_variantid control to show up…

01.jpg - my content editor back end
02.jpg - my content editor front end



Your illustrations don’t show the configuration of the sys_DropdownSingle control you are using. If you could add a screenshot of that, we will be in a better position to help you.


Hi Ken

It’s probably because the control’s visibililty is hidden. To update this in 5.7 you have to open the xml file:


and look for the default_variantid field. Contained within the field will be its visibility rules eg

               <PSXVisibilityRules dataHiding="xsl">
                  <PSXRule boolean="and">
                     <PSXConditional id="0">
                           <PSXTextLiteral id="0">
                           <PSXTextLiteral id="0">

remove this altogether and stop and start the rhythmyx service for all content types to be updated.

Make a copy of the rxs_ct_shared.xml file first but rename it rxs_ct_shared.old so it’s not loaded by Rhythmyx.


Ok, I uploaded more screen shots, let me know if I skipped anything. Also I checked out my rxs _ct_shared.xml file and the default_variantid had the following node:

<PSXField forceBinary="no" modificationType="user" name="default_variantid" showInPreview="yes" showInSummary="yes" type="shared">
     <PSXBackEndColumn id="0">
            <OccurrenceSettings delimiter=";" dimension="required" multiValuedType="delimited"/>
            <PSXSearchProperties enableTransformation="no" id="0" tokenizeSearchContent="no" userCustomizable="yes" userSearchable="yes" visibleToGlobalQuery="yes"/>

It doesn’t look like any about visibility rules is currently in there – do I need to add something?
