5.7 error when viewing content item

I get the following error when ever I try to open a specific type of content items. This started when I was editing the content editor and I changed the setting for “shared/DefautVariantid” and checked the “mayContainIDs” option. I started to get this error, I changed it back and the error does not go away. Any help would be appreciated.


Processing Error: Back end query
ID Message
0 An error occurred processing the query submitted by session id d10fec0946c36dd3c5ca1842b53b0578bd5cfa15.
1 A validation error occurred processing the request submitted by session id d10fec0946c36dd3c5ca1842b53b0578bd5cfa15. The specified validation criteria were not met: <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?> <ValidationRules> <PSXConditional id=“0”> <variable> <PSXHtmlParameter id=“0”> <name>sys_contenttypeid</name> </PSXHtmlParameter> </variable> <operator>IS NOT NULL</operator> <boolean>AND</boolean> </PSXConditional> </ValidationRules> <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?> <PSXParams> <PSXParam> <pssessionid>d10fec0946c36dd3c5ca1842b53b0578bd5cfa15</pssessionid> </PSXParam> </PSXParams> (error code 1,104)
2 preview handler

Hi Ken

Whenever you configure the default_variantid shared field you also have to add the contenttype id to the controls choice’s applications settings.


Thanks, James… could you explain how that is done?


Hi Ken

I’ve attached a screen shot which should tell you how to do it. It is taken from a 6.5.2 system which still uses XSLT templates.


hmm, is it just me or did that image come up really tiny?


Actually that was enough to point me in the right direction, and it working now!!

Thanks alot!
