5.7 to 6.5 Upgrade issues

Hi folks,

Successfully upgraded 5.7 to 6.5. Seem to only have minor issues now, namely:

  1. “Close” button on content editor doesn’t work.
  2. When I try to workflow transition an item I get the following error:

ID Message
0 An error occurred processing the query submitted by session id aede2a0a9c7a60b8792422cb1f01a96c4e8f99af.
1 An exception occurred while processing the “Java/global/percussion/workflow/sys_wfSendNotifications” extension: com.percussion.security.PSSecurityException: An unknown naming exception was caught. The error message was:
2 workflow

Otherwise seems good but before I go off investigating perhaps someone has the immediate solution to these???



I can’t comment on issue #1. The term “doesn’t work” is a rather broad category, and since my “remote viewing” skills aren’t what some people seem to think they are, I can’t venture a guess.

Issue #2 is the workflow notification looking for the the user names / email addresses in LDAP and encountering some error along the way. You can try to turn on workflow logging, there might be some more instructive error messages there. I believe I’ve explained that in previous thread someplace.


By “doesn’t work” I mean exactly that. Nothing at all happens when you press the button. The window stays open.

I expect I’ll be comparing a vanilla content editor page with the one that my system is rendering and checking the difference…

Thanks for the second item, of course, taking the client’s tree obviously took their LDAP settings so we can ignore that on our system (or remove it from our copy).

So I have a successfully upgraded 5.7 to 6.5 system, including any customisations, EXCEPT for the Close button not working on SOME content editors. Not a huge issue but would like to get that fixed before client comes to look at the upgraded system… will post fix if I find it…

So, so far it appears that on any editors within which I have a checkboxtree control the Close button simply does nothing. Helpful javascript error - Line 94, Char 6, Error - Object expected, Code: 0.

I have two create item menu commands under UI Design > Content Explorer > Menus > User > Dynamic. One, Create_New_Item is the out of the box 6.5 New Item menu command. It doesn’t work, it simply doesn’t open a Content Editor when any selected.

My old “New Item” menu command is there also (with just “New” as the label), called Create_New_Item_Old, and it is exactly the same save for 3 Parameters set in the Command tab : I have sys_folderid set to $sys_folderid, launchesWindow set to yes and target set to newitem. This works, ie it launches a Content Editor, but of course the Close button doesn’t work.

I have replaced the rx_templates.xsl and sys_templates.xsl files from a vanilla 6.5 in case there was something in there causing issues, but no difference.

In both menu command cases the command is set to …/sys_cxSupport/newcontentmenu.html and there is no difference in the files in that application between a working 6.5 vanilla and my non-working install.

Where I can get a Content Editor open using my original “New” menu command, the Close button DOES work where there is not a checkboxtree in the content editor, and DOESN’T where there is one.

The checkboxtree control I’m using is the sys_ version implemented and working in 5.7 originally before the upgrade.

Was this checkboxtree control present in the “pre-upgrade” system? Did you change it at all (to use the “out of the box” control)?


[QUOTE=allana;808]I have two create item menu commands under UI Design > Content Explorer > Menus > User > Dynamic. One, Create_New_Item is the out of the box 6.5 New Item menu command. It doesn’t work, it simply doesn’t open a Content Editor when any selected.

[snip snip]

The checkboxtree control I’m using is the sys_ version implemented and working in 5.7 originally before the upgrade.[/QUOTE]

I think your problem is just the checkboxtree control, and that the menus are working as intended. The upgrade installer occasionally provides such “fixes” to make things work correctly.

Also, have you flushed the Applet cache? The checkboxtree is an applet, and there are some differences between the 5.7 and 6.5 versions.


No, no change, but it was the out of the box version I used from 5.7. I’m now also changing to standard rx_Templates.xsl. I bet that does it.

Strangely I dropped in standard vanilla 6.5.1 sys_Templates and rx_Templates xsl files and lo and behold the Close button worked. I’ll let you know how I go with these xsl files…

All working now, standard unmodified rx_Templates.xsl used. Good to remember, this seems obvious with hindsight!

This means, of course, that you were using a modified (or customised) version the checkboxtree in your 5.7 system. The default rx_Templates.xsl is empty, and any templates you add to it “override” ones in sys_Templates.xsl.

Well sort of, it was originally the PSO custom field. I then upgraded it to the system one, but I don’t remember the history of rx_Templates but it’s entirely possible that the cbt section from sys_Templates was written over the old pso cbt defnition to get it to work but in rx_Templates, but left there instead of being removed to allow sys_Templates to take over. I.e. not custom exactly.

Never mind, I have a happily working and upgraded system and it didn’t take that long.

Well sort of, it was originally the PSO custom field. I then upgraded it to the system one, but I don’t remember the history of rx_Templates but it’s entirely possible that the cbt section from sys_Templates was written over the old pso cbt defnition to get it to work but in rx_Templates, but left there instead of being removed to allow sys_Templates to take over. I.e. not custom exactly.

Never mind, I have a happily working and upgraded system and it didn’t take that long.