5.71 Translation Issues


We have a 5.71 system where we are trying to create translations to multiple languages. We are using the translation - mandatory configuration with shallow cloning, but are seeing unwanted effects due to what we think are explicable but annoying relationships being created between the translated content items.

For example, Content Item 1 (from now on CI1, CI2 etc) is the parent, English version.
CI2 is a French translation of CI1.
CI1 is the translation-mandatory relationship owner of dependent CI2.
CI3 is the German translation of CI1.
CI1 is the translation-mandatory relationship owner of dependent CI3.

However, we are also seeing relationships generated between each of the translated content items. In this case, CI3 is also the translation-mandatory relationship owner of dependent CI2. This continues happening for further translations, such that the latest added item is correctly a dependent of the original CI1, but has also an owner relationship to any previous translations.

This is causing problems when trying to perform mandatory workflow effects (e.g sys_PubMandatory) - is this relationship configuration by design? Has it been added to ensure that if the original CI1 is purged, then a relationship still exists between the remaining translations?

Also, is this in any way different in 6.5.2 - or can we expect the same thing?

Help appreciated.


This actually does cause a problem with sys_PublishMandatory:

Using our example:

Ci1 is Public and Ci2 and Ci3 are in Draft
Try to push Ci2 to the Public state and it will throw an error.

This is down to the relationship between Ci3 and Ci2.
Ci3 is the owner of the relationship and is not in Public, so Ci2 cannot go Public.


If you don’t want the mandatory relationship, use the regular translation instead of the mandatory translation.

You will probably need to change the cloning on the regular translation to be like the mandatory translation (for some reason, we ship them with different cloning configurations).

This part of the system has not changed in 6.x

Thanks Dave, although I think the point is we need the mandatory effects such as a translation can’t be made public unless the original is public, and if the original is archived then all the others are too. However that doesn’t appear to work as expected. Oliver’s looking after this so I’ll refer to him for further comment.


What you are describing is not the default behavior. There should never be relationships created between translations as you described (e.g. CI2->CI3.) Your description makes it sound like you changed the default translation-mandatory cloning setting to shallow. Translation relationships should have no cloning checked. This may be your problem.

It more than likely is. I think that was described as one of the settings that was changed because although we want mandatory relationships we wanted deep cloning in some instances and shallow in others - ie for images. I’ll check and respond.

You would need to change the clone properties on the AA relationship, not the Translation relationship in that case.

I’m working with Andrew,

The only cloning option set for Translation-Mandatory is Deep Cloning with a condition that the triggering relationship is rs_promotable. So it seems odd that should have an effect.

Looks like the best option for us will be to add our Publish/Unpublish logic to a copy of the vanilla Translation relationship type. Which I will try today.

Thanks all.



As Paul implied in his earlier, the cloning configuration changes go on the Active Assembly relationship type(s) (assuming you use more than one).

You most likely want to enable deep cloning on AA when the originating relationship is in the Translation CATEGORY. You should not need any cloning on the translation relationship itself.

Let us know how you get on.
