6.5.1 Error in Workbench - Unable to Connect

Hi folks,

I get the following error in the Workbench Manage Connections when trying to connect to a 6.5.1 install:

“An unknown error occurred but no error message was supplied. The received error was: org.apache.axis.AxisFault”

Sometimes I also, with this, get an error pop-up saying “Invalid thread access” and the same AxisFault message.

This appears to have just appeared as a problem with no action, changes or work applied to anything between it working and then not.

Screenshot attached. Help appreciated as always…


No, I’ve never seen that one before (and I asked one of the developers in this area, and he hadn’t seen it either).

We need you to gather some more info for us, and then open a Tech Support case so we can track down the problem.

First, look in the “console.log” file (in the /Rhythmyx folder). Do any messages get added to this file when you attempt to log in?

Second, send us the workbench “.log” file. In a standard Workbench installation this will be in a folder named:


Where <username> is the log in name of the Workbench user.


Hi Dave,

Workbench log file attached, and sent to support against my call on this also. There is nothing noticable in the console.log at all.

I think the workbench log file has some clues…


I’ve been able to log in as admin2 rather than admin1 to the workbench so have got round the issue, but would still like to know how to get rid of it for admin1.


This will have to go to Engineering for resolution. Since you’ve already opened a support case, we’ll just proceed from there.

When there’s a resolution, I’ll post something here, but until then, you should follow up with Tech Support


I am receiving the same error. I am able to login into one of our production environment, but not our dev. Once a resolution is found could you please post it in this thread?

An unknown error occurred but no error message was supplied. The received error was: org.apache.axis.AxisFault

This is a timeout error. Try increasing the Timeout time (default is 60secs).

An unknown error occurred but no error message was supplied. The received error was: org.apache.axis.AxisFault

This is a connection timeout error. Try increasing your Timeout time, the default is 60secs.

I have this exact problem too!
Did a resolution ever come to light?